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Afrika muss sich Carbon Trading zu eigen machen

Eines der vielversprechendsten Ergebnisse der COP27-Klimakonferenz im vergangenen November war der Start der African Carbon Markets Initiative (ACMI). Diese von Afrika geleitete Initiative soll die Beteiligung des Kontinents an den freiwilligen Kohlenstoffmärkten erheblich steigern.

Africa Must Embrace Carbon Trading

One of the most promising outcomes of the COP27 climate conference last November was the launch of the African Carbon Markets Initiative (ACMI). This African-led initiative is designed to significantly drive up the continent’s participation in voluntary carbon markets.

African Energy Chamber Releases Q1 2022 Oil and Gas Outlook

The African Energy Chamber (AEC), is proud to announce the release of the AEC Q1 2022 Outlook, “The State of African Energy” – a comprehensive report analyzing the trends shaping both the global and African oil and gas market in 2022