The Vital Necessity of Stopping Oil Production Decline in Equatorial Guinea

The influx of multinationals (oil majors) in Equatorial Guinea’s energy sector was due to the attractiveness of the fiscal terms and the prospectivity that the country offered for foreign direct investment (FDI) compared to other countries in the region; so much so that the nation occupied the third place among Sub-Saharan African oil-producing countries in for many years, behind Nigeria and Angola.
La République du Congo Participe à une Réunion Historique de l’OPEP et les Réductions de Production sont Prolongées Jusqu’en 2025

L’OPEP et ses alliés ont convenu de prolonger les réductions de la production de pétrole jusqu’en 2025 dans le cadre des efforts visant à stabiliser le marché.
Republic of Congo Participates in Historic OPEC Meeting, Production Cuts Extended into 2025

OPEC and its allies have agreed to extend oil production cuts into 2025 amid efforts to stabilize the market.
Sahara Group Strengthens Downstream Business with Strategic Leadership Appointments

Representing the voice of the African energy sector, the African Energy Chamber (AEC) commends the efforts by Sahara Group to not only strengthen its downstream operations but build a leadership team that is committed to alleviating energy poverty in Africa.