Eurasia Africa Summit Welcomes AEC as Partner

The African Energy Chamber joins the Eurasia Africa Energy Summit 2024 as an Official Partner, strengthening the potential for bilateral cooperation and investment between the two regions.
Agreement to Support Energy Investments and African Energy Week, signed by African Petroleum Producers Organization and African Energy Chamber

The cooperation agreement targets improved energy security, local content development and increasing the capacity of African champions to take on even bigger projects.
La Chambre africaine de l’énergie illumine l’école secondaire Willow Crescent, offrant ainsi aux étudiants les moyens d’accéder à l’education avec de l’énergie durable

Dans le but de relever les défis posés aux enfants africains et à leurs écoles par les pannes de courant et l’absence d’accès à l’électricité, la Chambre africaine de l’énergie (AEC) s’est lancée dans une initiative de transformation qui lui permettra de fournir, en collaboration avec ses partenaires, des solutions d’ electrification à des milliers d’écoles à travers l’Afrique.
Namibia’s International Energy Conference Puts A Spotlight On Leveraging The Energy Mix And The Future Of Africa’s Energy Sector

The 4th edition of Namibia’s International Energy Conference (NIEC), which has become the official meeting place for the energy industry, will be held from 20 – 21 April 2022 in Windhoek, Namibia, under the theme “The energy mix: positioning for industrialisation, investment and growth”.
South Sudan’s Oil and Power investment drive on encouraging path
The African Energy Chamber is encouraged by the progress made in South Sudan’s oil sector after the peace agreement.
The AEC Applauds Angola’s Move To Join GECF
The African Energy Chamber congratulates Angola on becoming the sixth African country to join the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), after Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea
Africa’s oil sector continues to rebound and strengthen its voice
Record membership and fundraising for the African Energy Chamber in 2018
‘Invest in local capacity building’, Senegal tells global oil investors
Senegal is determined to become the new frontrunner of Africa’s local content development.